(281) 546-6428

Auto Theft Attorney in Houston

Houston Auto Theft Lawyers Houston Auto Theft Attorney James Sullivan represents real people charged with all types of misdemeanor and felony offenses.  If you are charged with any felony crime in the State of Texas, then you need an experienced Houston criminal...

Houston Criminal Lawyer James Sullivan Examines the Details

Harris County Criminal LawyersHouston Criminal Lawyers James Sullivan and Associates examines the details of each criminal case–even the seemingly inconsequential details.  Many times there is hidden within such trivial and seemingly insignficant details the key...

Houston Criminal Lawyers Defend Clients at Trial

Harris County Criminal LawyersHouston Criminal Lawyer James Sullivan represents clients at trial.  While James Sullivan works hard to win every case, the reality is that many, if not most, accused committed the offense and some were even caught in the act.  On these...

Houston Criminal Lawyers Give Thanks

Harris County Criminal LawyersHouston criminal lawyer James Sullivan is gracious, appreciative and thankful for the many clients he has been privileged to represent and fight for over the years.  With over 30 years of Houston criminal defense trial experience, he has...